About us


Sabine is your contact for sugar-reduced, flavourful and homemade cakes and nut corners.


Made with love and heart, you can taste the fresh whipped cream, the natural ingredients (preferably from the region) and the craftsmanship. We cook each filling (apple, rhubarb, gooseberries and sour cherries) separately.


Out of love for naturalness, we deliberately do not use fondant or marzipan or food colouring. This is why even food-sensitive customers rave about our cakes.



Our partners:


Unfortunately, you are not allowed to linger with us. However, this is possible in style at our partner businesses with our cake specialities:


 Cafe Heimatliebe, Eckenerstraße 1, 88074 Meckenbeuren und


 Gärtnerei Fleischer, Café-Restaurant unter Palmen,  Liebenhofen 102, 88287 Grünkraut